Family Resources
Assistance and Support Programs for Kentuckians
Benefind allows Kentucky’s families to easily access public assistance benefits and information 24/7 through an online application and account. You can use benefind from any computer that has internet access.
Assistance Programs
· Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - helps individuals and families stretch their food budget and buy healthy foods.
Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (KTAP) - provides cash assistance to families with children to help pay for basic needs such as rent, utilities, and other household expenses.
Medicaid - offers assistance to help cover costs for needed medical care including preventive health care.
Child Care Assistance Program - offers assistance to working families to pay for Child Care services

Find the resources you need with one call! Metro United Way's 2-1-1 help referral service directs people looking for resources to help them face life challenges, often for the first time, to the appropriate service provider. A trusted and caring call specialist will listen to the full scope of your issue and connect you immediately to the right source. This easy to remember phone number saves time and frustration by eliminating the need to navigate a maze of agencies and help lines.